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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Are you Stuck with a Hacked Facebook Account? Use Our Guidebook To Iron Out the Knots

Rising Facebook with rising Risks!!

Facebook, the hub of free accessible profiles which is used day after day for countless motives is constantly growing parallel with every birth in the human race. 

With every childbirth over the globe, a new Facebook user is born, blooming several account creations and logins. The Facebook App, being one of the oldest and all-time in-demand apps since 2004 has never stopped expanding all through the years. Moreover, it continues to spread and reach all sorts of races and places. Presently, everyone has an active Facebook account. Counting from 2.85 billion Facebook users over the world to 297 million users in the USA. 

Considering the fact, everyone from the age of a little one till the age of a grey-haired individual is at the risk of exposed identities.

With every active social media technology, security issues leading to reliability doubts are increasing, making it a major concern in today’s time. You can never run from the spammers, even if you are a celebrity or an active user. To cut it down, Facebook Hacking has been an unresolved matter of concern for years and it continues to be so with highly harmful risk factors.


The data mentioned below features the highlighted years of Facebook-specific security, including a timeline-

  • Sep 2006- Dec 2007- Growing anxiety in Facebook users with the introduction of Beacon, sharing feeds.[1]
  • Nov 2011-Facebook agreed to undergo an independent privacy evaluation every other year for the next 20 years. 
  • June 2013-The bug was discovered by a White Hat hacker — someone who hacks to help companies to find bugs and build better security practices. Facebook fixes bugs, notifies people whose info may have been exposed.
  • April 2015-Facebook cuts off apps from taking all the data they want
  • Jan 2018- Europe’s data protection law
  •  Facebook released a set of privacy principles explaining how users can take more control of their data.
  • Feb 2018-Belgian court tells Facebook to stop tracking people across the entire internet
  • March 2018- Revealed that Facebook knew about massive data theft and did nothing. “I’ve been working to understand exactly what happened and how to make sure this doesn’t happen again.


Facebook has been used at a higher pace, for all the purposes including- social connections, news, events, turmoils in other states and countries, sharing pictures and videos with friends and family, and recently to start a self-built business on an individual level, making the app a major source of business production and revenue generation. 

After the pandemic, there was a big boom in the digital marketing sector, through which Facebook was used as a platform to build and reach audiences at a larger scale. You think it is a mutual benefit of promotion between you and Facebook. But, with one account creation, you are exposed instantly. Giving sharing access to your name, age, gender, your current location, places you work or go to daily, your friends, and biological relations over the globe.

BEWARE and choose smart.

Reasons For Hacking: Why do Hackers do What They Do?

It doesn’t matter if you are famous or not, it does not matter if you are a celebrity or not. A hacker does not need permission from anyone. He can be at any place, at any time changing, replacing, and inserting different information for different identities. 

He/she is not gender or age-specific. They can access anyone’s account, within minutes without the other person realising it.

The major reasons for the hackers practising legal and illegal hacking are listed as below:

  1. For celebrities, the accounts are hacked to advertise a page or a brand, promotions leading to heightened production.
  2. For legal performances, ethical hacking is practised.
  3. For normal people, hacking is practised due to various reasons:
    • To take revenge 
    • Due to tussles in relationships, leading to disgusting outcomes and solutions.  
    • For their some are account-related, such as account centres, to practise their skills. 

Symptoms: How to Know That Your Account is Hacked

  • If you see the following activities have changed, your account has been hacked-
  1. Your email and password have changed.
  2. Your name and birth date have changed.
  3. A friend request has been sent to people you don’t know.
  4. Messages have been sent that you did not send.
  5. Having a post that you did not create.

Precautions to Avoid Facebook Hacks

First, let us take a short tour of the basic pre precautions that one should take while using the app: 


This factor is a must to be practised by every single Facebook user. It helps to secure your account in the first place, from the first click of your account creation. It borderlines and creates a partition between you and the hacker within the first click, to increase the least possibility of hacks. 

  • To make it easy, follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Log in to your Facebook account (enter your email id and password) 

Step 2: Click on Settings


Step 3: Go to Security and Login


Step 4: Click on login approvals


Step 5: Get started and continue

Step 6: Set up security code delivery

Step 7: Confirm login approval set up

  • You can also install security keys and apps to keep your synced accounts safe.

Login your account > Settings> Security and login

With these steps, you are safe and secure in the first place. Constantly maintaining low risks of spam.

Check Given Permissions 

Log in and check your Hamburger Menu on Facebook and double-check permissions given or not given for various activities through your account. 

Continue the steps assisted by Facebook after reaching the following page through- Settings > Apps and Websites :


Perform Privacy Checkup 

Review and keep a track of your privacy concerns, from time to time.

Settings> Privacy> Privacy Shortcuts> Privacy Check up.

The last step will lead you to the following page.


Check For Payment Methods

People tend to add their payment methods to Facebook such as PayPal, ApplePay and more, for paying to the apps that are logged in using their FB account. Nevertheless, it is highly inadvisable to attach your payment details to Facebook, as it is the most exposed platform to security threats. Firstly, check on the page that has your credit information stored for making direct payments, this feature is called Facebook Pay. You can even access the Facebook help centre for amending Facebook Pay details. Make sure you stop the ad campaign that you are running currently.

As for a hacker who is also one of the regular Facebook users undercover within the crowd, only your email address is sufficient. Now, that is the largest disadvantage of Facebook- YOU ARE UNDER SURVEILLANCE 24/7, OBLIVIOUS.

“Facebook gives rise to so many possibilities of exposing your self-identity while creating a self-identity”. So beware of all the unprotected aspects that come with the so-called “protection kit”. Till today, Mark Zuckerberg is not able to provide 100%  Facebook security. The key is- to be self-dependent and self-reliant.


Experienced Incidents that can Hack your Facebook Account

  1. Amantha, a teacher from New Jersey was traumatised when she realised suddenly someone was posting irrelevant activities and handling her Facebook Account. She was unable to log in and was informed by her friends about sickening posts and activities, leading her to discomfort. Her recent locations were shared, making her completely helpless. 

She tried contacting the Facebook Help Centre. But, even after several reports and emails, it all turned out to be pointless. She felt disgusted by her publicly humiliated exposed identity. Unable to see any possibility to recover from this phase, she took a fatal step to release herself from a depressed state of life and committed suicide.

  1. Nick, a waiter from a village named- Galena, Illinois was suddenly logged out while using his Facebook Business Account. He was using Facebook as the source of his small garment business’ production for some side earnings.

He was logged out and was unable to log in. The next day, his bank account was empty. Unable to figure out what happened. All his savings, earnings, and survival of his family were based on that one account.

His Facebook account was hacked and robbed, due to a saved card. Distressed with the end of his life and his family, he has been begging on the streets for a year now for food and money to sustain his family.

Do you see, to what extent can Facebook lead you? If you are not well aware of the correct ways and appropriate solutions. 

Take a glance at the following, so that you don’t fall into the TRAP

What To Do After Your Account is Hacked But You Can Login 

Check the login details

Step 1: Start with logging out from all the devices, by clicking the downward arrow at the top-right. To check if you experience any suspicious activity while using your account. Recited below:


Step 2: Log out of All Sessions

Change your password

Step 1: Do not forget to change your password. To do so, log in to your account if possible. Select Settings and Privacy ( at the upper-right corner)    


Step 2: After the Settings and Privacy, check the Settings tab                       


Step 3: As you go to General Settings, click on Security and Login      


Step 4: It will redirect you to the following page. Click on the edit page.


Step 5: After you reach the following page, change your password accordingly.


How to Recover Your Hacked Facebook Account 

Sometimes, you can log in with your current email account to check if you can access your account even after the hack happened. If you cannot, your account has been intruded on by someone. Kindly, copy the following steps-

Let Your People Know

  • Warn your friends, relatives, or professional accounts, asking them to not access or click any links sent by your hacked account.

Report Your Account to Facebook 

Go to URL- from your browser. So,that your account gets highlighted and can be resolved by Facebook Services without long delays. 

You will be directed to the following page while finding your account, for further queries-

  1. Kindly follow their instructions, related to your account. 
  2. Facebook will then, guide you through the security measures 
  3. Leading to your account recovery
  4. Check the login alerts, not initiated by you.
  5. Report directly to Facebook Security and email to the Help Centre. 

Reset your Facebook Password

The traditional password resetting is always the best choice to recover your hacked Facebook account. Using this, you create a new password for your FB account and nullify the older password. Hence, the Facebook login session on the hacker’s device will discontinue automatically and ask it to provide the newly created password. After resetting the password, you can consider enabling the TFA and other important security measures. 

Steps to reset Facebook password:

  1. Access the Facebook login page from your browser.
  2. From there click on the “Forgotten Password” link
  1. On the next page, enter the email address or mobile number associated with your account.
  1. Then, choose your recovery information to complete the identity verification. You will receive the verification code on your chosen platform. You can choose from your Google account, Send code via email, or Send Code via SMS. And, hit Continue.
  1. Now, type in the code that you receive on your email address, phone, or alternative Google account. 
  2. You can now create a new password for your account, and re-enter to confirm.
  3. Your password is not reset and all the login sessions will discontinue and ask for the new password to resume the activities on your Facebook account.

Tips to Avoid Facebook Hacks and Improve Security

  • Tighten your login access by
  • Strong passwords
  • 2 step verification

Setting > Security and Login > Two-Factor Authentication. It will lead you to the following image.


You can also run a security-check up. It will log you out from all the devices and will help you to notify whenever someone tries to log in to your account. 

  • Review and keep a track of your privacy concerns, from time to time.

Settings> Privacy> Privacy Shortcuts> Privacy Check up.

The last step will lead you to the following page.

  • Avoid saving passwords on public devices. 
  • Make sure your delete and log out every time on other devices
  • Clean up your browser constantly 
  • Protect yourself from spyware and malware
  • Avoid phishing (clicking unwanted ads account centre to are account centre some strangers
  • Never click suspicious links 
  • Use Facebook extra security actions

By the steps and guidelines mentioned above, you will be able to avoid and die independently with all the Facebook Hacking issues. 

Unestimated Consequences of Facebook Hacking

1. Invading privacy and being the boss of your account

Hackers under the Dark web, practise poisonous activities. They can reach certain extents starting from logging in to your account and keeping track of your daily activities to posting unacceptable and irrelevant data, messaging your friends, and embarrassing you publicly.

2. Data Leakage

Another aspect is data leakage, as Facebook has all the data including names, phone numbers, location, email address, and biographical information which can be stolen and posted on low-level hacking forums. This data could be used to commit cybercrimes, blackmails, and frauds. It has been reported recently, 533 million Facebook users’ phone numbers and personal data have been leaked online.

To prevent this stage of self embarrassment and discomfort on public platforms and to enjoy using the app safely. Go through the above-listed thumb rules and tips.

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